Dear friends,

We are very pleased to announce the 7th Belgrade Masterclass in Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism from 11-13. April 2025 at the Mona Plaza Hotel in Belgrade.

On behalf of the Serbian Society for Reproductive Endocrinology, I cordially invite you to take part in the Masterclass. The idea for holding such a meeting stemmed from the need for a specialized educational program in the field of clinical endocrinology that would provide program participants, endocrinology subspecialists, clinical endocrinologists and related specialists with new practical knowledge in the field of clinical endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolic diseases.

The meeting is also supported by the Endocrinology Section of the Serbian Medical Society.

In order to properly approach the complex problems in the field of clinical endocrinology, it is planned that the Masterclass will take place in the form of panel presentations and discussions that will guide the participants through the most current problems of all relevant areas of clinical endocrinology, which include neuroendocrinology and neuroendocrine tumors, thyroid gland diseases and adrenal gland, obesity and metabolic disorders, diabetes, disorders of the female reproductive axis and osteoporosis as well as diseases of the male reproductive axis. Panel participants will be leading endocrinologists and experts in related fields from Serbia, the region and Europe, who will discuss appropriate clinical problems directly with the participants of the program in smaller groups during the panel discussion.

The venue of the Masterclass is the Mona Plaza Hotel in Belgrade, which provides a flexible space for exhibitors, presentations and social activities.

We are sure that you share our belief in the importance of this professional and scientific event for Serbia and the region, and that you will join and take part and contribute to the success of this event.

See you very soon!


Belgrade Masterclass in Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

Registration form and information regarding registration fee you can find by clicking on on link REGISTRATION


Dekon kongres d.o.o.
011 675 3131   064 455 5542
www.dekongroup.com     serbia@dekongroup.com